Thursday, February 12, 2009

Now for Something Completely Frivolous

(Photo from

Yesterday I spent the morning (and some of our hard-earned money) taking a French lesson. Recently, I was reviewing various aspects of my life and realized that many of the things that I enjoyed as a teenager are things that I have returned to as an adult. Yoga and vegetarianism are among them. I even switched majors in college - from business to history - because I enjoyed reading historical fiction in my teens. I'm now starting to believe that, for me anyway, those years serve as a compass for adult life. So, though a long, drawn out thought process that I won't bore you with, I decided to find a French teacher to help reintroduce me to the language I enjoyed so many years ago. I found a teacher on Craig's List and met her at the library yesterday. She turned out to be a very nice lady from Morocco and English is her fourth language - FOURTH!!! Wow! I still struggle with my first language. She has lived in a variety of places: Morocco, France, Southern California, and now North Carolina. In the first lesson, she spent most of the time evaluating my knowledge of the language, then we spent a few minutes just conversing in French. I have a long way to go, but I'm really looking forward to my next lesson.

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