Monday, March 5, 2012

Farm News

I had a busy afternoon today.  Two new goat babies were born.  One I found in the back pasture.  I happened to notice one of the goats had separated from the others and our guard dog Joey seemed very interested in her.  The kid was already clean and standing when I got to her but it was a task walking her and her mother to the barn.  Here's a photo of the as-yet-unnamed cutie:
After I got mother and baby settled in a stall with food, water, and hay, I went back to make sure I didn't overlook a second baby, which I hadn't.  However, as I was walking back a goat in the barn pasture was crying as if she had lost a baby.  Sure enough, I heard a response.  Again, I had an adventure getting the mother and baby to the barn.  Here are the other troublemakers:
This one was not entirely clean and was still wobbly on her feet.  One more pregnant goat to go.

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