Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wellness Wednesday

Pills - Tablets 2
With each breaking news story about the side-effects of pharmaceuticals, I am increasingly convinced that natural and herbal remedies should be used to treat ailments that aren't life threatening. While I'm glad we have modern medicine, it seems we've gone off course so much that we instantly pop a pill when we feel the least bit of discomfort. While "old time" remedies are mocked and ignored. With synthetic drugs, we often learn about the long-term consequences after we've been taking them for a while.

An article in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal sites a link between dementia (including Altzheimer's diseas) and popular drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter. Read the article on Rodale Wellness for the names of the drugs identified as problematic.

It's time we revisited the remedies our grand- and great-grandparents used.


David said...

Cherie, I'm convinced that most drugs of today only deal with the symptoms of a condition and not the root cause. Some times just diet change can do wonders with health but most folks don't want to change any thing but just take a pill that will make them feel better. But are they really better or just feel that way. So many people are on medication that targets feelings. Depression and anxiety are two that come to mind. I'm always surprised when I find out how many of my friends are taking medication for depression. It's a totally foreign concept for me and I can't identify with it even a little bit. I know it can be bad for some people but I just can't understand it. I don't understand how people can be so unhappy about life that they just mope around all the time. That's just me though. I have friends that depression is a real thing. Unfortunately, drugs just mask the feelings and don't deal with the real cause of which I don't know what it would be. We have become a society of medicated people. I know of only one person in my realm of friends, family, and neighbors that don't take some kind of medication. I, myself, have a couple medications that are for blood pressure and have taken them for about 10 years. I just blindly started taking them under orders from my good intentioned doctor. I may have to research how to wean myself off those medications and maintain the low blood pressure. Do you have any book suggestions for such a plan? Are there any magazines today that do what the old format Prevention magazine did?

Have a great natural remedy day.

EcoCatLady said...

Yikes! As a severely allergic person, the antihistamine stuff is scary. Of course, when I do use it, I don't use the kinds they are describing. But think of all the people who take "PM" medications every nigh - the kind that use Benadryl as a sleep agent!

Cherie said...

David, I have a friend who, as her blood pressure lowered with lifestyle changes, weaned herself off blood pressure medicine. Her doctor's reaction? She STILL should continue taking it. Of course, since here blood pressure was naturally lower, she ignored the advice. I'm not familiar with natural remedies for lowering blood pressure although I know they exist. Do some research, try something, see how it works, and go from there. I too blindly took prescription drugs on and off over my lifetime. One wake up call for me was years ago when I learned one of the drugs I had taken was pulled from the market due to complications leading to deaths!

Cherie said...

EcoCatLady, I'm so glad we do have drugs that help people. I just think we use far too many drugs often just for convenience. I remember when friends (one's husband was an anesthesiologist) gave their kids benadryl to help them sleep. Somehow that just me. I did give them benadryl when they needed it. I had to take it many years ago (when it was by prescription only) for an allergy I grew out of.

ain't for city gals said...

There is hardly anything that makes me more upset than doctors over pre-scribing meds to older patients and then telling them they have Alzheimer's. This happened to my favorite aunt ....she is 86 and has her saint of a husband said "Was taking everything except birth control"! When she was diagnosed with so called Alzheimer I couldn't believe it. I went over every med she was was unbelievable how everything was just layered on and on....actually hard to believe she was still able to function. Anyway...we weaned her off at least half of it and she is now going strong and is the aunt I remember! And don't even get me started on what they want to give children now....