Saturday, July 31, 2010

More Decluttering

Just when I thought I was finished with part of my decluttering program, I discovered more useless stuff.  Yesterday I started cleaning my bathroom and, as I cleared off the countertop to wipe it down, I realized that I really didn't use a couple of the items, so I discarded them.  This led me to the vanity drawers.  With an eye towards efficiency and usage, I organized the items I used on a daily basis into one drawer and gave careful consideration to everything else.  I'm not one to purchase a lot of toiletries, however, I still found items that seemed like a good idea when I bought them but rarely or never got used.  Out they went.  I filled a small plastic bag with odds and ends that had accumulated.  Now, when I wake in the morning or get ready for bed at night, I can easily find exactly what I need without a lot of fuss.  To paraphrase Martha Stewart, decluttering - it's a good thing.


Fiona Ferris said...

That's the best way to declutter Cherie. It's so hard to look into a cupboard and pick out what you think you don't want. By taking EVERYTHING out, having a good wipe-down and then putting things back you can see what you don't WANT to put back. Yay for decluttering!

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

Thank you for the great comment about your husband's office making the switch away from bottled water AND buying two wells! Here is what I am up against: I was talking to a woman in the finance dept. who said she caught an employee sending a package Fex-Ex Air to an office 2 blocks from our office! She went through the account history + found out this had been going on for years. L-A-Z-Y.

I love your de-cluttering tale as well. I started my process last fall + am now down to the contemplative part, how much do I value object X? I'm down to taking about a grocery bag a month to charity donations.

Cherie said...

Shona - Wow! You're up against quite a bit. Don't give up though as your efforts will get through to some.

Decluttering really is an ongoing exercise. I try to do a regular evaluation of my possessions as well.