Recently, a facebook friend put up a challenge help stock the school library at Danita's Children in Ouanaminthe, Haiti. The children in Haiti receive their education in French. Although they have textbooks, they have very few reference and fiction titles. Getting French language books is a challenge for them because most donors live in the United States, and only have English language books available. In addition, they share an island with the Dominican Republic where Spanish is spoken. Thus, they can purchase supplies in the D.R. but cannot buy French books. My facebook friend challenged people to go to (her wish list is under Julia Krusac) or to, and purchase some books for children ages 7 and up. Have them shipped to:
Danita Estrella #17645
C/O Agape Flights
100 Airport Avenue
Venice, FL 34285 USA
It would also help the orphanage to offset shipping costs by donating $1.50 per pound through either a direct donation on; (and put "Books For Orphans" in the comment box) or by mailing a check directly to Danita's Children, Hope for Haiti Children's Center, Inc.,
P.O. Box 864311, Orlando, FL 32886.
This is a wonderful opportunity to give a gift that is truly needed. Unlike in the United States, public schools in Haiti are practically nonexistent. 90% of schools are private and have very few resources. Reading and literacy open worlds to children. Let's help the children in Haiti have access to another world.