Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wellness Wednesday


I'm trying to get back into my regular blogging routine. Today I'm sharing a link to a Mother Earth Living article about the healing powers of culinary herbs. Herbs are usually easy to grow, make food taste great, and have many health benefits. Check out the article here.


David said...

Cherie, summer is a busy time and breaks my routine blogging as well. Being out side in the garden or doing yard work all day just doesn't inspire me to sit down and blog at the end of the day. Blogging keeps records of what and when I do things which is the main reason I do it but the side benefits of making new friends and communication with other gardeners is great.

Herbs have not been something that I've ever grown. The closest thing I have to a herb is dill weed. I grew some this year just for the smell. It reminds me of my mothers garden during my very young years. Her garden always smelled of dill through out the garden. I'm sure she used the dill weed for pickles but I was too young to really pay any attention to the process of gardening. I don't use herbs much except for Mrs. Dash but then that's not real herbs, is it. I always have good intentions but don't seem to follow through.

Have a great herb using day.

Cherie said...

David, is hard to sit down to blog - or read other's blogs - in the growing season. And I'm often very tardy when replying to comments on my blog. :) I like to both write blog posts and read others but, at the end of the day, I just want to sit down and read.

Herbs are usually very easy to grow and they smell wonderful. When I cut herbs for market and they don't sell, I put them in the dehydrator for either selling to customers in winter or our personal use. I do find it's easier to reach in the cabinet and shake out dried herbs. Have a great week!