Wednesday, September 15, 2010

El Paseo

Many years ago, when our family stayed with friends in Spain, we learned of a old Spanish tradition called "el paseo."  El paseo, which means to stroll, takes place after dinner.  During an el paseo, the entire community can be seeing walking the streets, greeting their neighbors, helping their food digest, and burning off calories, as well.  This activity has become part of our family tradition.  My husband and I (and my faithful dog Ginny) try to take a paseo every evening.  When our grown children are home from college and don't have plans for that evening, they join us.  Our modern lives mean we move much less than we need to.  We tend to spend the vast majority of our time sitting behind desks, on the sofa or behind the wheel of a car.  Paseos not only allow us to move our sedentary bodies, but it allows us to reconnect with family and friends.  I would love to see this concept spread as it is one of the most healthy  things one can do.


Nhu said...

In college, my friend from China did the same thing. She insisted on taking a walk after dinner and would get very upset if she couldn't. I always figured it was for better digestion or from force of habit. Probably in China, it was for the same reasons you say here.

Cherie said...

Mouse, interesting to hear that they do the same in China. I wonder what other countries do the same.

Fiona Ferris said...

Such a lovely idea, and the fact that it's done every night not just as a novelty. I can imagine over time it is much better for your body to go for a gentle stroll after dinner than sit folded up on a sofa. I've heard it's done in Italy too - called something like la passiata.

Cherie said...

Fiona, I do feel much better when I walk and really miss it when my schedule doesn't permit one. I'm not looking forward to bad weather this winter when I might have to abandon the paseos.

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Anonymous said...

This was a very informative and interesting share. Thank you! You helped me with my Spanish assignment.