Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wellness Wednesday

Scale 1
With the new year almost here, the resolutions are also just around the corner. The most popular resolution is to lose weight. Health magazine offer some suggestions to avoid mistakes we often make when setting that particular resolution. 

When you set goals or make resolutions, they need to be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound. Take some time to think through and map out your goals. There are lots of worksheets on the internet that can help you set your goal. Another good tool is a vision board, which is a collage that visually depicts your goals. You can put your vision board on a large posterboard and place it in a prominent place or, if you prefer to make it more private, on a simple manila file folder that you can tuck away with other paperwork and refer to when you need a reminder of your plan. 

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