Friday, March 22, 2013

Farm Friday

Yet another busy week.  Here are a few highlights (and low points) from the farm:

On a sad note, we lost little Brownie.  We have no idea what happened.  Bill went out to do chores one morning and found him next to the barn.  He is greatly missed.

We've also had far too much rain (and cold).  Bill isn't able to plant in the gardens because tilling wet ground will ruin it.  

I've been cleaning up and planting the flower beds at the "Old House," the original farm house on our property, in anticipation of our upcoming Open House/Field Day next month.

One of my aloe plants (a "patented" one I purchased from a fellow farmers' market vendor last year) and one of my snake plants are getting ready to bloom (my other snake plant bloomed lat year).  They must both be happy where they are:

I've had some great bird sightings at the bird feeder hanging just outside our back door:  goldfinches, blue jays, cardinals, and even a couple of house finches.  

Bill discovered that our Brussels sprouts were still producing.  I roasted them that same night; they were delicious!

We ordered 25 more chicks to add to our flock.  I hate to order from hatcheries, but we haven't had luck with our own hens brooding chicks.  We're hoping this is the last time we have to do it. We've ordered Dominiques, which are considered the oldest American chicken breed.
Two new baby goats have been born recently.  The one born today isn't looking well, so we're not sure if he's going to make it.  On a positive note, Delilah had a healthy girl earlier this week.  Isn't she cute?

And huge thanks to one of my blogger friends, EcoGrrl, for featuring me in one of her interviews.  She's interviewed some amazing women and I'm honored that she chose me to be among them.  I recommend you go check out her blog - and read the other interviews while you're there.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

EcoGrrl said...

Aww -thank YOU for participating - your thoughts were fantastic!

Love being a voyeur into your world that's so different from mine but so many overlaps.

PS - didn't know that snake plants bloomed! I bought my first one last summer so we'll see huh!