Monday, April 18, 2011

Farm Happenings

Over the weekend, we had a new addition to our farm family.  Meet Iris:
Iris was born on Saturday to one of our older goats, Maggie.  Regular readers might remember Maggie as the goat that I had to nurse back to health last year.  She was extremely ill, could barely hold up her head and was temporarily blind due to a case of pinkeye.  However, with the help of two rounds of twice-daily antibiotic shots, hand feeding and watering, and just plain tender loving care, she pulled through.

Iris was named 1) in honor of tax day and 2) after a Goo Goo Dolls song (we tend to name our farm animals after songs or musicians).  Mother and kid seem to be doing fine.  We've had a number of kids born on the farm these past few months, but I haven't been documenting them.  Since I was there for the actual birth (and even gave an assist), I felt I needed to get Iris's photo out there.  She's a cutie, isn't she?


Shona~ LALA dex press said...

she is too cute!

Adrienne said...

I WANT Iris. OMGosh! She is beyond cute. Is she a Nubian?

Cherie said...

Shona, yes, she is. ;)

Adrienne, Iris is a Boer goat and is totally sweet, as are all goat babies. I'll have to get better about posting pics when the babies are born.

Adrienne said...

Ok - thanks. I'll to look that up.

Adrienne said...

Let's try that again - I'll have to look up Boer goats...