Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I've had an "off" few weeks and haven't felt I've had a lot to blog about.  Not that there's not a lot going on, just not much to share on the blog.  Part of it, I believe, is the season.  It's fall here and the days are getting shorter and shorter and shorter....Not my favorite time of year.  I find it harder to get up in the mornings and even harder to motivate myself to take on any large projects.  I was able to check off a few large items on my To Do list.  I spent one afternoon washing my SUV and the front porch rockers.  Another afternoon I weeded one of my front flowerbeds, something I had put off far too long.  Yesterday I finally sat down and hemmed two pairs of pants I recently purchased.

It's funny when you make a To Do list.  Some of the tasks look so simple, like "hem pants."  However, the steps involved in actually getting the chore done can take several days.  I started to hem two pair of pants on Friday.  First I had to try them on with the shoes that had the right height heel to make sure I did indeed need to hem them.  Next I had to tear out the old hem.  That involved getting out my sewing kit and finding my embroidery scissors.  Once the hem was out, I had to cut off the excess fabric.  I had to try on the pants again to make sure I didn't trim off too much.  By this time I was interrupted (by what I can't recall) and had to put everything away for the day.  The next day I was able to trim the pants and begin the process of pinning.  Of course, I had to try on the pants (with the right shoes) again to make sure I had the right length.  I only did one leg on one pair to make sure I didn't waste time pinning up to an incorrect length and having to start over.  At some point, I realized I didn't have the right color thread and wasn't going into town for a couple of days, so once again had to set aside the project.  Well, yesterday, I finally had everything ready to actually hem the pants.  So they're now done...except now I need to iron them.

So, since my life has revolved around checking off these mundane chores on my To Do list, I haven't had a lot to blog about.  I felt bad that I missed out on Blog Action Day this year.  It focused on water, which is a very important issue.  I really wanted to do a post on that topic but didn't have time to research it as I was busy checking off the work I needed to get done to finish a class.  As far as my blog is concerned, I want to return to my previous theme of editing my life.   I plan to organize how I use this blog and what I blog about so I have some consistency for my readers.  Please stay tuned for a little more order to this blog.  And hopefully a little more inspiration.

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