Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's Official

Grad Cap
After 2 1/2 years of hard work, it's official - I've finished my master's degree program!  Before I left for Haiti, I knew I would be missing an entire week of school (that's a lot when it's an 8 week course), so I worked extra hard to submit my final project ahead of time.  The day I returned, I had one small online discussion board I had to participate in so I got that done at 9 p.m. Sunday.  Yesterday, I checked my grades and saw that all of my assignments had been graded!  So, I've officially completed and passed all of my courses.

Commencement is this Saturday but I won't be attending.  Why?  Because our family has more good news:  Our son is graduating from college with his B.A. in history!  This time next year, two more family members will be graduating:  My daughter will be getting her B.A. in conservation studies and my husband will be completing seminary.  Education is a family affair around here.


Shona~ LALA dex press said...

YAY! I am so excited for you and congratulations to all the graduates in your family.

Anonymous said...


Deanna said...

Congratulations to both of you!

Cherie said...

Shona, Ecogrrl, and Deanna, thanks so much! So glad we're done. :)