Monday, December 20, 2010

R.I.P. Reb

We lost another of our pets yesterday - our last barn cat Johnny "Reb."  2010 has been a cruel year for animals on our farm.  I'm hoping for a better 2011.

We rescued Reb when we first moved here, over 7 years ago.  I'm not sure if it was his gorgeous blue eyes or his very distinctive raccoon-like ring-tail that first got my attention, but once I got to know him, he had my heart.  For Reb's full story, go to my hubby's blog.  Reb will be greatly missed.


Shona~ LALA dex press said...

I am so sorry about your Reb.

There is a song that we made up that we think our late Dexter would have sung during winter + even though he's been gone over a year I find myself singing the song + really missing him.

Adrienne Shubin said...


So, so sorry about Reb. He looks like a sweet boy. My thoughts are with you and yours. Losing a pet is always so difficult and traumatic.


Cherie said...

Shona and Adrienne, thank you for your kind thoughts. Reb was a unique cat - even my husband, who isn't a cat person, really loved him.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to read about Reb. Our pets do become a huge part of our lives don't they not to mention adding so much to it.

xo Cat

Cherie said...

Cat, thank you for your condolences. Animals have always been a big part of my life and I miss each one that I lose.

Deanna said...

Aw, I'm so sorry. 2010 was a tough year for pets for us, too. We lost two dogs and a beloved cat. Let's hope for a much better 2011.

Cherie said...

Deanna, we both had a rough 2010 year as far as animals go. We've had a shaky start to 2011 as we had 6 kids born but 2 didn't survive.:(

Deanna said...

Aw, Cherie, I'm sorry. Let's hope that's the last of it. We both need a better year animal-wise.