Lisa at Retro Housewife Goes Green has kindly given me this award. I enjoy reading her very thoughtful blog and am honored that she chose me as a recipient. The requirements are 1) I name 7 things that I love and 2) that I pass this award to other bloggers.
The 7 things I love are (and it was hard to narrow it down):
1. My dear hubby who is the love of my life and is always supportive of everything I do.
2. My two children who have grown into happy, well-adjusted individuals.
3. My black lab Ginny who shows me unconditional love and is the real farm girl around here.
4. My house cat Dixie who has been my side-kick for over 11 years.
5. Reading. As Thomas Jefferson said, "I cannot live without books."
6. Summertime. I love everything about summer (with the exception of mosquitoes and ticks).
7. Yoga. I try to practice yoga every day. It helps keep me centered and keeps my body flexible.
I'm passing this award on to:
1. Tricia at All in a Day: The Early Beginnings of a Farm. She doesn't post very often (I assume due to her very hectic life), but I enjoy seeing her take the simple steps toward farming and sustainability.
2. Brambleberry Blog. A blog that shares daily farm life in rural Virginia.
3. Missi and Nic at Domestic Sophisticate for sharing their fashion tips for those on a budget. I especially like how they incorporate thrifted items into their looks.